Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What's on your Mind? Spit it Out NOW

Criações relevantes (quase sempre) continuam relevantes.

Ramona Falls, "Russia"


Sim, há tanta beleza escondida a ser encontrada num dia em que a garganta está inflamada...
Essa certeza, quando é sentida, traz grande felicidade para quem vive no futuro
Como eu

Aí depois você acha um videozinho do pós-criança que fez a música acima e tem um sentimento controverso. Simultaneamente, a magia é quebrada e recriada, diferente, mais humana, porém mais ordinária, quase uma não-magia. Não só os mágicos deveriam esconder seus métodos de ilusão.

E essa vontade de não fazer nada?

Não é medo
Tudo é fácil de fazer, repetitivo

É essa banalidade
Falta absoluta de poesia
Como uma máquina de plástico, obsoleta ainda nova, desinteressante, inútil

É esse climinha cinza
Agradável, mas algo morto
É um pé gelado dentro da meia
É falta de suor na axila

São botões do teclado, táxis para tribunais, guichês, almoços executivos, engravatados, pequenas dores musculares, pequenas quantidades de álcool, de açúcar, de carboidratos, punhetas sem graça, gozos que nem são orgasmos, soninho sem sono

É um intervalo na vida.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Razão, Sensibilidade, Ipod

Doava 10% do salário à instituições sociais confiáveis e eficientes, devotara noites inteiras à busca por absolvição, mas era culpado, reiteradamente culpado. Até ali, aprendera apenas a evitar situações que o levariam a novos lapsos e a novas culpas. Proibiu-se de circular por várias calçadas em determinados dias e horários. Em algumas, como as calçadas próximas à Sé, estava terminantemente proibido de pôr os pés.
Em algumas calçadas, como as da Paulista, sentia-se mais seguro e inofensivo. Especialmente agora, que ali nascia uma calçada de primeiro mundo, moderna, com rebaixamentos perfeitos para cadeirantes, sinalização adequada, piso preparado para receber tanto o sol quanto a chuva tropical. Hoje, todavia, foi na Paulista que sucumbiu.
Saiu para almoçar e uma senhora bem aparentada lhe pediu um real para comer. Desnorteou-se. Num gesto envergonhado, pôs a mão na carteira e, ao tirar uma nota de um real, a senhora, rápida e profissionalmente, informou que ele poderia dar mais. Automaticamente, deu-lhe cinco.
Passado o choque, parado naquela calçada com “nível de investimento”, o politicamente correto Alberto, ciente de nossa gritante desigualdade social, mas revoltado com que o chama de indústria da caridade ineficiente cristã, se perguntava: como trafegar entre as brasileiríssimas faltas crônicas de dinheiro e de vergonha? Como fugir dos pólos opostos e delituosos da insensibilidade social e da idiotia burra e conivente?
Decidiu comprar um ipod.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Falling for São Paulo

I ended up not putting the videos I have made during the culture marathon of São Paulo. It is not that important. The youtube is full of videos of it, if someone wants to check.

What is important is that I decidedly started to enjoy this amazing city. Yesterday, monday night, I went to the theatre to see a play from Colombia called "El paso". It is taking part of the Latin American THeatre Festival that is happening here this week. The place is the Centro Cultural São Paulo, which is a 10 minutes walk from here and the tickets are free. So yesterday I arrived there an hour and a half before the show and manage to get a ticket.

The presentation was good, especially the way it ended. It was one of those plays that give you a delayed pleasure. I mean: you enjoy it during the presentation, but not as much as you enjoy the last minutes and the afterplay.

Still yesterday, I decided to take part in a course at the "Oficina da Palavra Casa Mário de Andrade" (something like: Office of the Word, House of Mário de Andrade, which is a famous classical Brazilian author). It is a course entitled "wathcing the city" and is coordenated by a blogger that use to read sometimes. It happens every tuesday night starting today until june. I think it will be quite fun.

And friday, there will be Rufus. Not bad!

Here it is a video of the controlled caos caused by a french group walking aimlessly in the streets of downton São Paulo:

And some photos of that night as well:

This is the building of the best Law Faculty of the country, which was transformed into a rave

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

24 hours of culture

Last saturday downtown São Paulo received even more people than usual. According to the metropolitan police, 4 million people gathered around dozens of rock, blues jazz and pop music stages, street performances, theatre plays, Dj sets, etc.

It started at 6PM of saturday and ended at 8PM of sunday, so I should actually say 26 hours of uninterrupted culture. I did not enjoy it the most, because I was exausted from a very hardcore week at work, but I still found some strengh to enjoy at least the first 8 hours of fun. And it was a complete blast.

Bellow a picture or a french group who promoted chaos in the streets of the center. At this moment, they went up the fence of the Brazilian Previdenciary Agency and set the fireworks. The cowd were asking them to put it all on fire.

I'll post more photos and videos later.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

A sign of a civilized nation

I was reading a blog of an ex-vj from MTV who became one of the best politicians in São Paulo and she was writing that yesterday she saw a bus killing a pedestrian after the bus did not respect the traffic light. Then she adds that 2 pedestrians are hit by busses in São Paulo PER DAY!!!

we are such a civilized people!

Unpolite co-Hero of the Day

As usual, I took a bus this morning to come to work at Paulista Avenue. This journey has become a lot more pleasurable since I got my new ipod and uploaded 7 gigabytes of my favorite music in it. Now the daily traffic jam is "mostly" other people's problem.

I got down in the "Paulista" and was walking the two blocks from the bus stop to my job. I forgot what I was listening, but it was something good (of course) and a joyfull sensation accompanied me while waiting to cross the Brigadeiro Faria Lima Street. So the pedestrian light went green but the people were still waiting to cross the street, because a late bus had passed the red light on the other side of Paulista Avenue and would had to pass by us first, otherwise it would stop the traffic. I mean, everybody but an old lady, who was on her second step crossing the "Brigadeiro". It was when a guy on her left side and me on her right side simultaneously pushed her back to the sidewalk. Few seconds later, the bus passed in high speed.

She said, smiling, that the light was green to her but that it was beteer to be a bit late than to change her day being taking by a bus and so she thanked us. The other guy made a comment that another day he saw a bus hitting a blind man who were crossing the street following the noise the pedestrian sign does when it is free for pedestrian. I replyed saying some cliché about how dangerous the traffic is here and asking if the old lady (who were wearing a very colorful and nice t-shirt, btw) was alright. She, always smiling, said she was perfectly fine and thanked again, but kind of moved her head away from me. It was then that the guy put his finger in his ear, giving me a sign to take my earphones off, so i didn't need to scream at people. I took them off just to say goodbye and we all went ahead with our lives, me with the earphones back again.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I do not normally like to read a book when everybody is reading. I feel a bit unnoriginal. Today, however, I bought the book which is in the first place on sales ranking for about three months already here in Brazil. On my defence, it is a very interesting book, made by a renowed and good journalist, called laurentino Gomes.

The title, "1808", refers to the year when the portuguese royal family, including the king, moved from Portugal to Brazil, running away from Napoleon's army, which was invading Portugal, as it did all over Europe. It was the first time an european monarch came to America and it represented a large step in both Brazilian development and underdevelopment, since many of the countrie's corrupt and unefficient habits find their roots in 1808.

Actually, the fact is that the portuguese royal family is seen here as a joke (they do deserve such fame), but it is also acknowledged that despite the land of Brazil have been discovered in 1500, the country at it is was "invented" in 1808. I read only the first chapter until now. It has been very intersting and really fun.


As I still didn't find an apartment to live, I am staying wíth a cousin in a neighborhood called "Perdizes", in the west zone of São Paulo. Therefore, I am coming to work on the Paulista Avenue by bus. It is not that far, but it takes almost an hour to arrive here, due to the perfectly hellish traffic of São Paulo. One of the few advantages of the nearly-still-traffic of the city is to appreciate the grafitti that is on the way, which I really like. I will take some pictures... as soon as I find an apartment, but here is a taster: